Lakeview Civic Improvement Association

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  • LCIA Spring Family Picnic and Easter Egg Hunt

LCIA Spring Family Picnic and Easter Egg Hunt

  • Saturday, May 10, 2025
  • 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM (CDT)
  • Fleur de Lis Park


Come out join your friends and neighbors at the LCIA Spring Family Picnic at Fleur de Lis Park!  The playground will be open, and we will have inflatables, music, hot dogs, snowballs, games for the kids, and an Easter Egg Hunt -- all courtesy of the LCIA and our generous sponsors!  It's a fun day for all ages, so please spread the word!

The Easter Egg Hunt will start at 11:00 a.m. followed by the Picnic.

For sponsorship opportunities, please email . 

All sponsors will be recognized at the Picnic and on LCIA's social media and emails leading up to the event. 

This event is free, but please register in advance to help us plan for the number of attendees.

P.O. Box 24378 | New Orleans, LA 70184

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